Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I almost died.

I was sitting in the Montgomery Plaza parking lot waiting on a friend when I opened my chickfila bag. I was double checking the sandwich to make sure that pickles had not been put on my sandwich when I saw IT. IT, was a little heart shaped chicken breast. I literally screamed in my car I was so excited. I almost died of happiness. I think everyone should get a heart shaped chicken sandwich at least once in their life.

My heart shaped chickfila sandwich



  1. When I saw your title, I thought you might have been talking about my driving! ha! I'm serious when I say you need to send this to Chick Fil A!! Girl, there could be a whole campaign built around your picture!!

    BTW, I becam your first FOLLOWER! :)

  2. That is TOOOO cute! Hope you don't mind if I add your blog to my blog roll...? You can check out my blog at and you can find the link list by clicking on "Links" under the header. =)

  3. Are you serious?! This is awesome! I'm madly in love with chic-fil-a myself, but this is just too much excitement. :)

  4. Soooo cute!!! Me and my boyfriend grabbed a quick lunch at, i forget where ... but we got ourselves a heart shaped chicken nugget

    yay for heart shaped chicken!!!
