Friday, May 22, 2009

Almost my first

I had so much fun taking pictures with Meredith. Even if we did ALMOST get a ticket from the sheriff that stopped us. We were OUTSIDE of a gate that leads into this pasture by my house when a sheriff happened to pass us. He turned around and pulled behind my car. I didn't think we were trespassing and I also didn't think I would get stopped since there are NEVER any cops out there. I have never been stopped or gotten a ticket for anything. It figures I would get my first ticket for photography. Ugh. :D So he did the whole can I see your ID thing and was in his car forever and ever. He finally got out of the car with my ID and a notepad! Notepad normally equals a ticket. Not so this time. No ticket thank goodness! I was so glad to get out of there and so was Meredith. Even though its not trespassing, I don't think I will ever go back to that spot. Ha!

Anyway, here are some of my favorites. You can always click on one of the pictures to view the rest on flickr.

Meredith 33

Meredith 24

Meredith 12

Meredith 3

Meredith 1

Meredith 21

Meredith 26

Meredith 11

Meredith 8

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