I can hardly contain myself! It's been uber long since I last posted. :/ oops. But I have good reasons. I'm about to launch a brand spankin new blog and website!! This is big folks! Stay tuned...
This weekend I shot my youth pastor's wife maternity pictures. I absolutely love Tori and her husband! They love the Lord and are just an awesome couple! I can't wait for their baby boy to arrive! We are crossing our fingers for him to look like his daddy, red hair and all! He is going to be a funny one. I can't wait to take pictures of him in the hospital and do his newborns! :) I had a blast shooting this gorgeous mommy!
Finally! The rest(mostly) of the pictures from the wedding I shot with Heather Thorne! I had a blast even if it did rain the whole time. :) Tiffany is just a little JCrew model! LOVE it!
I feel so blessed by the opportunities and comments by brides and photogs (including Heather)! I feel like I just jumped in a pool of awesomeness here lately and I am loving it! Can't wait for another wedding next week!
Last weekend I shot a gorgeous intimate wedding with Heather Thorne at the Dallas Arboretum. We did the whole thing in the rain and were totally drenched by the end of the ceremony. So worth it though! I am completely in love with her JCrew dress and pretty much loved everything about the way she looked. Seriously, she looks like she just stepped out of a magazine! Ridiculous.
So stay with me as I attempt to finish editing. Enjoy this little peek into this adorable wedding!
I did it! Its a miracle, really. This shoot was my first time to actually do a whole session in (gasp.) Manual. Yes I know. Shame on me. But yes, I had been shooting in AV for the longest time. I just couldn't bring myself to shoot in Manual. When I finally did, I felt so. much. better. I think my pictures are already turning out so much better because of it! Total Miracle.
Another first. My first time experimenting with the sun and all its goodness. Not exactly how I would have liked them to turn out but its a start.
Ok I know, longest post of your life. I just love them. Can't help it.
I am a new portrait and wedding photographer out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area! I simply love photography and adore capturing cute little moments. You can contact me through twitter, flickr, or email. mccoy_ec AT yahoo DOT com